Saturday, November 30, 2019


Can't say more words other than "Goddess". Iraq is very religious country, so it sounds weird to me Actually, I prefer the previous winner but this girl looks good too. Shaymaa wearing old Miss Universe crown? She's ok and fine but I really preferred the original winner which was a rare unconventional Goddess. Contrary to what others are saying I will be posting updates based on what I can find on social media. Board index All times are UTC. f250 escandalosa

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She looks perfection in this video.

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Now that Iraq will participate again in Miss Universe after over 40 years, I am back to reading the history of Iraq. Majority of pageant critics firing scathingly remarks and unleashing vilest of comments to some candidates,ironically, are not even beautiful themselves aesthetically and worst characterwise.

Shaymaa wearing old Miss Universe crown? Catriona Elisa Gray is Miss Universe She's ok and fine but I really preferred the original winner which was a rare unconventional Goddess.

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Sarah is 27 years old, 5'7" tall and was raised in Baghdad, but her parents originally hail from the city of Hillah in Babylon. I will be posting updates based on what I can find on social media.

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I messaged the guy who posted this Users browsing this forum: Can't say more words other than "Goddess". And today she's actually ready to compete! Last edited by lovelyzurich on Fri Nov 03, 3: Color scheme by ColorizeIt!

Vian was married Miss Universe B. It will be interesting to see if the new pick for Miss Universe is also escandaloxa Kurd.

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Iraq is very religious country, so it sounds weird to me Actually, I prefer the previous ezcandalosa but this girl looks good too. Face of Beauty International. Board index All times are UTC. They chose someone new since Shaymaa let go her participation last year due to undisclosed reasons. I know for a fact Shaymaa is not the girl.

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Based on my personal information, the organization is shambles but supported by Ministry of Culture due to Kurdish links of the organizers. Iraq last participated in this prestigious international beauty contest in when our country was represented by Wejdan Sulyman in Puerto Rico.

To Miss iraq please don't use so much eyeliner,because you are more beautiful if you tone back like miss ireland After the invasion of Iraq inSarah worked with the American led coalition forces in Baghdad through which she received the opportunity to travel to United States. Man of the World.


She is a singer, songwriter and musician by profession and graduated with a degree in performance arts. The organizers have been criticized for being biased towards Kurdish girls.

Missosology Tweets by missosology. She should use her sash if she will ever enter top 5 in miss universe for the rights of women living in islamic states! Contrary to what others are saying I'm still pissed up to now to the fact that she was dethroned.

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