Saturday, November 23, 2019


Thanks for your help. Barts is looking good now. This is not the default fsx airport. Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. VFR Tour of St. When I moved it back up, things seem to have been fixed. You can add the following lines or modify them in the Fsx. st barts airport fsx

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You have payware addons scenery which had modified the Default. Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members. I use XP home. It's small slope runway, between a hill and the sea, is very difficult to manage.

Donate to our annual general fund. Join Date Dec Posts Classified, Want, Swap Ads. I'll check with FlyTampa. Your donation here helps to pay our bandwidth costs, emergency funding, and other general costs that crop up from time to time. VFR Tour of St.

st barts airport fsx

Please note that you will need to register to use many of the site's best features, including downloading files and posting messages. Flight Simulation's Premier Resource!

This will give you the info you need to get started flying and using this web site. Also, what is your OS?

st barts airport fsx

Not sure what you mean by posting a link to sirport scenery. File Library - What's New. THe scenery operates correctly but it is not the scenery associated with the true St.

Looks like the real airport with a sloped runway in the correct spot. When I moved it back up, things seem to have been fixed. Barts airport is not working correctly. I appreciate it so much. Aiprort moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

ST Barts scenery

If so, do what Donald says above. If I see more problems, I'll post here and I'll be trying some of the other suggestions. If it is FSX default scenery, there is nothing to download. As I purchase new scenery, my FlyTampa scenery moved down in priority within the scenery.

st barts airport fsx

Create an account or sign in to airrport You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. I am using windows home XP.

FSX St. Barth Scenery

The hill is in the right place. Barts is looking good now. Need help getting started? It is made up of: Barts, and Saba with a Surprise Ending! rsx

You can add the following lines or modify them in the Fsx. If you are willing to spend a little money, Get the Fly Tampa St. File Contents This list displays barte first files in the package.

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