Thursday, November 28, 2019


The album is a music collaboration between his mentor, Ken Lim, renowned music producer, M. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately , especially if potentially libelous or harmful. In , Taufik debuted his Malaysian album titled, Teman Istimewa Special Friend on 5 September and was the album long-awaited by the Malaysian Fiknatics as his fans are called. He earned the top honour roll of six major awards at the first AnugeraHitz. It was later revealed that Taufik had won , of the 1. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Taufik Batisah. taufik batisah berserah mp3

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He also received the Singapore Youth Award Arts and Cultureawarded by the National Youth Council, in recognition of his achievements in the music industry and for being a role model to the younger generation.

taufik batisah berserah mp3

Inhe was part of the "Home" video project under Total Defence Campaign and also fronted the mp33 fund raising project for the Japan tsunami. Blessings went on to a smashing sale of 36, copies, making into the Singapore Guinness Book of Records as the best selling local English album in the past decade.

Title track All Because of You made its debut that the finals of the second season of Singapore Idol. He also received the Singapore Youth Award Arts and Cultureawarded by the National Beeserah Council, in recognition of his achievements in the music industry and for being a role model to the younger generation.

Taufik Batisah

It was later revealed that Taufik had wonof the 1. Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Taufik Batisah. He is a Singaporean of mixed Bugis and Indian descent. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. At the Anugerah Planet MuzikTaufik won three awards: Muhammad Taufik bin Batisah Jawi: The album is a music collaboration between his mentor, Ken Lim, renowned music producer, M. Taufik participated in the first season of the reality TV series Singapore Idol in Meanwhile, Taufik's music compositions also received greater recognition as Berserah took the No.

He even became the first Singapore artiste to endorse for the Swiss watch-maker, Swatch.

Taufik Batisah lyrics

The English-Malay album spurred off a string of hits and further opened doors to the Malay music industry. On 1 DecemberTaufik was crowned the Singapore Idol at the Singapore Indoor Stadium before an audience of more than 8, fans and 1. He earned the top honour roll of six major awards at the first AnugeraHitz. Retrieved 26 September On 14 JanuaryTaufik released his first English album Blessings. InTaufik debuted his Malaysian album titled, Teman Istimewa Special Friend on 5 September and was the album long-awaited by the Malaysian Fiknatics as his fans are called.

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Taufik Batisah Lyrics, Album List

Archived from the original on 20 September The year proved to be an exuberant start for Taufik. Please help by adding reliable sources. Winner of Singapore Idol Shila AmzahHady MirzaRossa.

Nasir, and singer, Hady Mirza. It remains a record unbroken in the Singapore music industry. He earned the top honor roll of six major awards at the first AnugeraHitz.

taufik batisah berserah mp3

On 1 DecemberTaufik was crowned the first ever Singapore Idol at the Singapore Indoor Stadium before an audience of more than 8, fans and 1. Sky's The Limit hit the No.

This critically acclaimed Malay album showcases a wide variety of songs of different genres and had spurned multiple Number 1 hits. Nasirand singer, Hady Mirza. He received further recognition at the Anugerah Planet Muzik ml3 Please like our facebook page!

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