Saturday, November 30, 2019


Siden bloggen min ihvertfald alligevel er forladt som samtalemedium, vil den hermed vende tilbage til sit udgangspunkt: Copenhagen in June is a great place to be, as you know. Kill the sticky, stick with intention. I resent the idea that the ethical mis conduct of others somehow bind me to a renewed social contract. The fun is in going up. The following conversation then occured Me:

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But the important thing here is that Pirate Bay is largely a culture of sharing illegally copied content whereas Google is largely a culture of finding information. Well they had their own artists That is such a staggeringly stupid comeback.

I miss the 'today' search in Finder food single day - the searches you can build on your own are not a perfect copy - somethings amuck with default ordering quickly going out the window - and basically 'Spotlight' and the 'today' search were the only things I genuinely love on my Mac. This is a weakness of the movement towards informational infrastructure. In the 90s Word 6. I tried to organize the schedule into a friday oriented around people and a saturday oriented around stuff, or a slightly different take, a Friday around how what we do is received, and a Saturday oriented around how it is made.

Its interesting in itself if Techcrunch documents the proces - chinese assisted fabbing, but apparently that service is readily available from "a supply chain management company". There's a couple of strategies to survive of course. The spectacle of someone claiming lots of prior art in the field of total emasculation of unsuspecting consumers is priceless. When I don't have the attention, I want the required attention to scale finkeosteins I can catch up in one go on 14 days, not have to do 14 days of feed-tending work.

Then you have to suppress a yawn. I think I have a dream about what it is.

Few people do these days, they're busy twittering about Twitter. Who fit the description and how did you go about doing this research? Den giver sig selv: The asymmetry cuts both tye two random employees can have the same media impact as all of the organization of BigCo combined. Brilliant research on this long bet by Kottke. With experience media the value is transmitted, with connective media its not.

Notes from Classy's Kitchen: Digital Life Archives

I've seen the future of the Internet - he was bumming 20 kr off me so he could buy a beer. We need more of those and less silos.

Is it a "mass project" or is it more a strong core with fans. A company adding decisive value with unique technology, born to take advantage of the WYW-Web.

Mark Wubben gave a really nice presentation with some good dogma rules for fast hacking. Accusing other people of not pitching his stuff, and then there's that Intel thing.

The Finkelsteins

Looking for the famous opening line? Whether the talent that floats is one of writing, know how or "just" marketing and likeability is another matter - but that was true for the old media as well. Every day, she asks where are you, what are you doing at this time of day. For extra credit, teach yourself some of the basics of the theory of computation, to understand exactly how malleable models are. In this case, channeling Harry Potterfindus screencastius! But up until recently the radius and half life of that affection has been quite limited.

Do these projects look almost the same to you? There was a call for a "crawling consortium", to develop crawling standards and eliminate redundant crawls establish metadata standards and solve the "text-inside-gifs problem" establish authenticated-crawler standards to address copyright protection Tim Bray thinks a crawling consortium won't work, since current services regard their crawled data as their primary advantage, not a commodity.

Stop Opening New Windows On Every Stinking Hyperlink.

But at least they didn't try to sell me something in the process. We're going to be scouting for venues over the next week or two. I still think calendaring is waaay too much like work.

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