Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Measure power factor at two voltage levels, such as 2 kV rms and the phase-to-ground operating voltage of the machine. If the coil under test has been subject to a dielectric hi-pot test on the groundwall insulation, prior to being subjected to the power factor test, the level of tip-up will be affected. Differences in the tip-up measured for coils or bars of similar composition and fabrication are generally attributed to a variation in the incidental void content. It is designed to cover every economic sector and virtually every activity of the humankind where technical standards may be used. A ground electrode should run the length of the specimen to be tested. No sharp conductive regions should appear on the outer coil surface. Audio and video engineering iec 60894

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Ratio of the power dissipated in the insulation, in watts, to the product of the effective sinusoidal voltage and current, in volt-amperes. We recommend that you check the website of the publishers of the international document before making a purchase.

Magnitude of the imaginary part of the complex relative permittivity. This arrangement is shown in Figure 5 a and Figure 5 b.

Although this method gives the most satisfactory results, it is time consuming to perform because the gap in the paint must be eliminated on completion of the measurements. Follow these links to find other Standards similar to the one you are viewing. The application of a conditioning voltage will help to stabilize the coil temperature due to dielectric heating of the insulation.

IEC TR | IEC Webstore

This procedure is normally used on production coils since it is known at that time where the exact overlap of these two coatings is located. 60984 applies to tests using either an increasing voltage technique or a decreasing voltage technique. Also, the dielectric 600894 of the stress control coatings are included in the measurements.

This standard applies to individual form-wound stator bars and coils outside a core uninstalledindividual stator bars and coils installed in a core and complete form-wound stator winding of machines in new or aged condition. The insulation is represented by a lossless capacitor, and a resistor represents the dielectric loss. For example, the line and neutral terminals are dis- connected from the system and ground circuit, respectively, and the phase-windings are separated at their neutral end.

The successive voltages are then set and the resulting power factor and cell capacitance are recorded. Alert me in case of modifications on this product contact us. When testing an individual coil or bar, this change in power factor with the test voltage may be caused by either a variation in the power factor values associated with the dielectric or partial discharges losses, or both with voltage.

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Guard electrodes should be correctly placed on the test specimen. The results measured for similar machines should also yield similar results. Testing complete windings In many utility and industrial applications, the ground connections of motors and generators cannot readily be removed.

iec 60894

By Sibely Huillca Quico. The quality of the stator winding insulation system should 6084 verified according to the following brief description of the test procedure. Shipbuilding and marine structures The total ac dielectric loss dissipated in the stator ground insulation, including the cooling water system, is also measured.

iec 60894

Dielectric absorption and conductive losses in the insulation structure will also cause an increase in power factor with voltage see Figure 3. The power factor tip-up is also affected by the atmosphere during the test, e.

IEC/TR 60894:1987

The calculation of power factor tip-up is recommended to be calculated between any two voltage levels. If insu- lation cure is adequate, the initial value is usually consistent ied the particular insulation system being measured. Lipo Jan Stein Brian E. A conditioning time from 20 s to 4.

IEC 60034-27-3 Ed. 1.0 b(2015)

Shipping Delivery Order tracking Returns. Health care technology Differences in the tip-up jec for coils or bars of similar composition and fabrication are generally attributed to a variation in the incidental void content.

For this reason, it is important to quantify the level of PD activity in the insulation system. In all cases, the semiconductive slot coating extends beyond the stator core.

Repainting the gap will require adequate cure time before addition testing of the coil.

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